2016 brought a radical rupture for TRASH, the oldest cinema festival of the state of Goiás. If until then the festival was based on very low budget films and high level of transgression, its compass was turned to another north: the fantastic cinema. And by fantastic cinema we mean: genre movies. Terror, sci-fi and fantasy, more precisely.
Last year’s success certified the amendment of new audiovisual coordinates. A careful curation and invariably crowded sessions were the mark of that TRASH, the first with the subtitle “International Fantastic Film Festival”. In 2017, we decided to deepen the experience. After all, one can only change a winning team when the show is the biggest commitment - and, in addition, to score impressive goals.
TRASH’s first and most notable change this year is in where the festival will take place: at the Cine Lumière Bougainville, Goiás’ traditional temple of cinephilia, which translates as synonym for art cinema, audiovisual quality and a passion for moving images. Nothing more appropriate. TRASH’s audience, contradicting the unwary, has always been consisted of sophisticated moviegoers, unconcerned with passing fads.
On the other hand, do not think that TRASH has turned its back on its long-standing influential tradition. It is good to remember that the festival was never exclusively dedicated to "trash". From the cradle, the genre cinema has been part of its juicy menu. TRASH was the pioneer in such. End of story. Therefore, we have prepared an opening that celebrates the past, while at the same time it points to the future of the festival.
Coffin Joe: Heart of Darkness is the opening pearl. The latest accomplishment of legendary
TRASH partner José Mojica Marins – here alongside Marcelo Calaiacovo and the irascible Nilson Primitivo -, the short film is an experimental libel that unites the greatest character of
Brazilian cinema to writer Joseph Conrad’s spirit.
Moving on, Earth and Light, by Renné França, reaffirms on the big scream TRASH’s entire ideology. This is a film from Goiás which was made with very little money and infinite talent and determination. It is a genre film acknowledged and awarded throughout Brazil, against all odds – and which, admittedly, carries in its post-apocalyptic horror the festival’s DNA. There is no way we could be prouder.
Altogether, between December 06th and 10th, 80 films will eerily take over Lumière Bougainville’s screen. Movies’ stratospheric quality level is due to a rigorous selection process that has analysed 1,741 works from 95 different countries. Workshops, guests, debates and launches complete the Programme – a fantastic one, modesty aside.
Of trash, at TRASH, only the name. Soon, not even that.
This is an International Fantastic Film Festival of flawless quality, made by and for those who love cinema.
New radical ruptures at sight. Do not miss out.
Márcio Paixão Jr.
Creator and curator of TRASH – International Fantastic Film Festival